
Got news?

If so, contact Lucy Hollis at 931-455-1234 or email: TFAC

News about artists
An Exhibit to be held during the month of February 2007.

All Artist Members may enter up to 3 pieces of work for the Exhibit Selection. Non-members may submit up to 3 pieces of artwork for $10.00, per work

Each piece must be ready for hanging (with wire hangers).

Art Work should be brought on January 30 or 31st, from 1-5 pm.

All Work should fit the title “Quilts”…use your imagination!

* The 140th Winners from the American Watercolor Society’s 2007 Competition will be on display in the Regional Art Museum Gallery portion of the building for in October of 2007 for public viewing.

Created with a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission         Hosted by         Design by Russel Mobley
Copyright © 2001 – 2006, Tullahoma Fine Arts Center, 401 South Jackson Street, Tullahoma, TN 37388 Phone: 931.455.1234.