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The “Red Poppies” are part of our Permanent Collection and are on display in the Regional Art Museum at this time.
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ABC projects
Art and Quilt Project at Lewis County HS
Students in Jim Milan’s 11th grade American History classes at Lewis Co. High School have been chosen to participate in a special project called “The Clothesline of Quilts in Tennessee”. It is a statewide grass roots effort to promote tourism and interest in History by replicating quilt patterns and displaying them on old, historic barns or buildings. This project is spearheaded by the Buffalo Duck River RC&D, following the lead of other resource and conservation agencies across the state adopting this project.
Funding has been provided by several sources. An ABC grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission was matched with funds from Buffalo Duck River RC&D and the Hohenwald City Government coordinated through the offices of Mayor Bob Burklow and City Councilmen.
Six block patterns have been selected and will be duplicated on 8 foot X 8 foot billboard panels to be erected throughout Lewis County. The students will work under the direction of Visiting Artist Eddie Davis, who will guide them as they paint the pieces beginning January 24 through 31, 2006.
Eddie Davis, the artist in residence at the school, is an accomplished and nationally recognized artist, who holds a BFA degree in painting from the prestigious Art Institute of Chicago. His MFA degree was obtained from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Ceramics.
The project was introduced by Artistree’s artist coordinator Clay Harris on Jan. 13 when Ms. Cindy Baxter, school librarian, and quilt expert, together with Mr. Jim Milan explored quilt patterns, their history and actual quilts designed and crafted by Ms. Baxter.
Created with a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission Hosted by MidTnn.net Design by Russel Mobley
Copyright © 2001 – 2006, Tullahoma Fine Arts Center, 401 South Jackson Street, Tullahoma, TN 37388 Phone: 931.455.1234.